Hi, Friends!

Welcome to my little cozy corner of the internet.

My name is Jenny, and I’m a new blogger. I’m talking *brand new* blogger.

So, thank you for joining my journey or stopping by for a cozy moment. I apologize ahead of time of any future glitches while I’m learning the ropes.

I wanted to start a blog this year to challenge myself with something new. I’ve noticed that I’ve been complacent in my life for too long, and not doing something for myself. Also, I was on Pinterest, and that always gives me the best ideas.

I’ve been working on my writing in school and building my confidence to pursue writing as a job in the future. So, why not start with a blog now and make friends on the way through my writing journey?

I’ve wanted to make a blog for a long time, I’m talking for almost 5 years, but I never had the confidence in my writing skills to go through with it. Plus, making a blog seemed very intimidating. Like, where do you even start? I could’ve done the research, but at the time I wasn’t committed to writing like I am now. Sometimes you aren’t ready for your dreams and wants, and you have to find the right time to make them come true.

I want to take the time to recognize someone I found through Pinterest that helped me start my blogging journey. Taylor Stanford! I stumbled across her “How to Start a Blog” pin on Pinterest, and she made it so easy to follow. She goes step by step, screenshot by screenshot, on how to start up a blog on Bluehost. It took the fear and anxiety out of trying to figure out what to do, what are plug ins, and the best tips to make your blog successful.

I’m grateful for her guidance because I doubt I would’ve taken the leap if it wasn’t for her. So, thank you Taylor!

A little about me, I’m 29 years old, married, with no children. I have two lovely cats that create daily chaos, but have my heart through and through. I’m currently attending a Cal State, and in my last year of school for my Bachelor’s degree in English. I’m an avid reader who loves a good rom-com, fantasy, or classics. My favorite authors have to be Rebecca Yarros, Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, and Meghan Quinn. I can talk books all day and always have something to say. I had a custom sugar cookie business a few years ago, and I’ll make my friends and family cookies now and then. I’m a Swiftie who enjoys scream singing “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me”, and is waiting for Reputation Taylor’s version to come out finally.

Right now, I’m focusing on finishing school and figuring out my next steps career wise. I do work part time, but it’s in a field that I’m not passion about. It’s not meant to be my career, so what is?

I’ve been playing around with a few ideas: book editor, writer, or owning my own bookstore. The dream is the bookstore, if I’m going to be honest.

That’s a snapshot about me for now, but I definitely want to keep you updated on my life and any new obsessions I have down the road.

This year my word is action, so here we go, friends! Keep up with me and enjoy this cozy corner of the internet.